Contact Us

If you have any questions about us, our services, or just want a quick chat, please feel free to reach out to us using the contact information below.

Office Hours
Monday to Friday - 10am to 4pm

The Christopher Leslie Bespoke Van

Alternatively, click here to book a design consultation.

If you are trying to reach us to rearrange an appointment, discuss your design or to confirm your installation dates, then please email us

Our Story

Discover the people behind the brand. Learn more about who we are and where we started.

Why choose fitted furniture?

We believe that fitted furniture is the best option for anyone who is looking to add some personality or organisation into their home.

See how fitted furniture can help transform your home today.

Need Inspiration?

Book a design consultation to get help from our design team for your project.

You can find more inspiration from our Real Home Renovations, Facebook, Instagram or blogs.